From the PaddleWise mailing list...(may not be reproduced or redistributed without author's permission)

Almost Perfect

Little Gasparilla Island, FL, by Susan Watters

We left Grande Tours around 4:30, 4 of us, paddling against a brisk NE breeze toward Little Gasparilla Island. The sun was low and in our eyes most of the way... the waves were gentle and fun with a fair fetch across Lemon Bay, the temperature in the upper 70's. It took about 45 minutes of steady paddling to get to the island. Beached our kayaks on Little Gasparilla with the sun about 5 minutes from setting, broke out the shrimp (purchased directly from the shrimp boat, and cooked just hours before) and had a mini-feast with everyone sharing what they had brought.

Then, we were presented with the most amazing gift... as the sun began setting into the Gulf of Mexico, the moon, huge as I've ever seen it, appeared across the bay, just rising above the distant trees. On the right, the giant yellow-orange falling sun, on the left the huge white rising moon. We stood there speechless watching the spectacle.

Paddling back, the wind stopped blowing and the water became a slick mirror with the moon and stars reflected on the glassy surface. We passed Brown Pelican Island and discovered that the thousands of birds that roost there actually do quiet down at night... only an occasional squawk or peep was heard.

Once we arrived back in Coral Creek, away from the lights of Gasparilla Marina, our paddling virtually ceased because no one wanted the evening to end. It was an almost perfect night.

Susan Watters
Cape Haze, Florida

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