From the PaddleWise mailing list...(may not be reproduced or redistributed without author's permission)

Awesome Birthday Sunset Trip

by Dave Williams

I went out on a sunset paddling trip on my birthday (yesterday) with two of my best friends. After a brief stop on a small secluded beach, we paddled out and around a corner. To our amazement, there was the most awesome rainbow any of us had ever seen. It was a double rainbow that was a perfect semi-circle and the ends landed on two separate islands. The color of the sky inside the inner rainbow was ineffable. We all just sat there in our kayaks for along time just staring at it. What a wonderful birthday present!

We sat there until it started getting dark. To our delight, when we turned around, we saw one of the better sunsets. We paddle out to this particular island at least once a week. We are seldom disappointed with the sunsets, especially during the rainy season.

I started paddling on my birthday 22 years ago. I turned 44 yesterday so that means that I've officially been paddling half of my life! I love it just as much today as I ever have. This was one of the best natural gifts I've ever received!

All the best,
Phuket, Thailand

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